Falls are the second leading cause of accidental death. The older adult population accounts for 75% of falls that result in accidental death. One-third of the older adults who experience a fall that results in a hip fracture will die within a year. Falls not only affect the quality of life of the individual but also influence the caregiver and family. Health care costs for falls and rehabilitation average billions every year! Even if the fall does not result in hospitalization, fear of falling becomes a major factor in how seniors live their daily lives. Fear of falling often leads to inactivity and loss of confidence. This, in turn, produces a cycle of fear, loss of self-confidence, and inactivity, thereby decreasing the quality of life and increasing the risk of falls.
Senior Home Care by Angels can identify points of interest and vulnerability in everyday life and provide home care solutions - making it easier to navigate through one's home. We can show you ways to prevent falls during our free in-home consultation process too!
Get all the information you need to help someone you love.
You can download our Free Fall Prevention brochure by clicking here.
You can reach Senior Home Care by Angels here, or by phone at (780) 487-4256. We look forward to meeting you and your family and providing you with all of the home care solutions you need!
I want to thank you all for taking such good care of my sister over the past two years. Any request I made to the office was promptly dealt with. It meant so much to me to have a contact in Edmonton whom I could rely on. Please convey my special thanks to her companion who did such a superb job over the past year in keeping me informed and caring so much. She was always thinking of better ways to do her job and trying different ways to get [my sister] up and about and reporting to me signs of changes in [my sister's] physical condition. She is a truly caring person! We'd have been the poorer if she hadn't been there for us.