Meal Planning and Preparation from Senior Home Care by Angels

As seniors age, they can be prone to malnourishment. Age-related difficulties can make it hard for seniors to prepare their own meals, shop for groceries, or even remember to eat. Some seniors may choose to eat microwavable meals because they’re easier to prepare, but these dishes can often be less healthy than a home-cooked meal. Not only can undereating or eating unhealthy foods lower a senior’s quality of life, it can also aggravate chronic conditions and lead to long-term health problems.

That’s why in-home caregivers from Senior Home Care by Angels assist seniors with planning and preparing meals. By helping our clients eat healthy and eat when they need to, we can help them lead happier and more fulfilled lives.

How Our In-Home Caregivers Help Seniors with Planning and Preparing Meals

Through meal planning and preparation, our goal is to help seniors make healthy choices in their diet and assist them with preparing foods that will improve their overall well-being.

Some of the ways our in-home caregivers can help seniors include:

  • Planning meals ahead of time in order to make preparation less stressful for your loved one
  • Preparing delicious and nutritious snacks throughout the day to keep your loved one’s energy levels up
  • Assisting with grocery shopping
  • Assisting your loved one with preparing meals, including getting out cookware and utensils, assisting with cooking, and setting the table
  • Storing leftovers
  • Washing dishes
  • Feeding assistance for seniors with mobility issues
  • And more

At Senior Home Care by Angels, we offer a personalized approach to in-home senior care. That means whether your loved one needs an in-home caregiver to help them get to the grocery store or someone who can prepare nutritious home-cooked meals, we can create a care plan that includes the care they truly need. A personalized approach can also be beneficial as an individual's care needs change. For example, if your loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, we can adapt their care plan to include feeding assistance if they're no longer able to steadily grasp eating utensils during meals.

Our goal is to provide the support older adults need to age in place in safety and comfort. With meal planning and preparation assistance, seniors can get the vitamins and nutrients they need from a balanced diet and eat at consistent times throughout the day. That way, families can have total peace of mind.

Contact your local Senior Home Care by Angels office to learn more.

Each Senior Home Care by Angels agency is a franchise that is independently owned and operated. The Franchisor, Visiting Homecare International Inc., does not control or manage the day to day business operations of any Senior Home Care by Angels franchised agency.
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