How to Talk to Seniors About COVID-19 Precautions

Here are some tips on how to discuss COVID-19 with your senior loved one, including what precautions they’re taking or should be taking and if a professional home care provider can help them stay safe during this time

We all know staying at home and practicing social distancing during the pandemic is highly recommended. This kind of behavior is especially important for seniors, who are at a higher risk of getting severely ill from the virus. If your loved one doesn’t want to change their behavior in any way, talking to them and making them understand why this virus is a cause for concern is necessary. If you are your aging parent’s primary home care provider, here are some ways you can help them stay healthy and safe.

Get the Facts About Seniors and COVID-19

Before you have a discussion with your parent about the pandemic, it is important you gather all the facts. Make sure you get information only from reliable resources, like the Public Health Agency of Canada or local health departments.

Understand Older Adults’ Position About the Coronavirus

If you want to help your parent understand the seriousness of the current situation, you need to discover the reason for their behavior. Ask them about what they’ve heard about COVID-19 and ways they are protecting themselves.

Some seniors may refuse to change their behavior because they don’t want to take orders from the government. Those with memory loss issues tend to forget about the seriousness of the virus. Also, it is possible your loved one is armed with incorrect facts and believes the coronavirus can’t harm them because they never get ill. Determining what lies beneath your parent’s behavior will help you develop a good persuasion strategy.

Make Your Case

When talking to your loved one, do not raise your voice and try to use the right tone. Pressuring or talking down to them will only make them rebel and stick to their ways, so reassure you are not trying to upset them. Take time to listen and then address each of their concerns.

If they don't wish to remain at home because they need to shop, arrange for a home care worker to go grocery shopping or pick up online grocery orders and run errands during the pandemic. In case your loved one is worried about their social life, show them how to utilize technology to stay in touch with their friends and family. If they don’t want to stop participating in their favorite activities, a home care provider from Senior Home Care by Angels can help them find fun alternatives.

Be Open to Two-Way Communication

By helping them understand the seriousness of the situation, you can ensure your loved one’s safety and wellness.

If you wish to know more about how our home care services can help your aging loved one during the coronavirus outbreak, call your local Senior Home Care by Angels office today.


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